Commercial Overhead Doors

Our commercial department offers complete service, maintenance, repairs, and replacement. No matter the time or the need, we have service professionals on call 24/7.
We offer everything from heavy duty rolling steel slat doors to corrugated sheet doors and commercial steel sectional doors. Insulation and weather seals are available for most applications.
We also service and install rolling grill doors for parking garages.
If your garage door lacks in function or appeal, count on the licensed and insured professionals at Posten's Overhead Door Company to make sure your doors and openers are in safe working order.
When you need to repair or replace your door, Posten's Overhead Door Company will provide you with an array of door sizes, styles, and colors. Keeping your building safe and secure is our top priority.
Commercial Overhead Doors we sell:
ASTA rolling steel service doors
ASTA roll-up doors
Amarr Commercial steel sectional doors
Liftmaster commercial openers
Full view glass doors to heavy duty industrial doors are available
